Aparthotel Molo Park, Mielno Aparthotel Molo Park, Mielno
Aparthotel Molo Park, Mielno
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Comfortable apartment for those looking for their own place by the sea, as well as an attractive investment in the MOLO PARK project. The 75 m² space is designed as a studio and an apartment with one separate bedroom. Each part has its own comfortably arranged bathroom. They can be used completely independently or connected when more space is needed. The apartment is fully furnished and arranged. Cozy interior colors, pleasant materials, and a comfortably arranged bathroom with a shower. There are independent exits to loggias from the apartment. It is possible to entrust the apartment to a management service and earn additional income from renting when you are unable to use it yourself. Investing in a Molo Park apartment is a safe way to allocate capital and grow your wealth for the future. It is a fully hassle-free investment if you choose to collaborate with the operator. This does not limit your ability to use the apartment according to your private needs. On-site amenities include a 24-hour reception with security, a Wellness area with an intimate pool and sauna. On the roof, there is a public sunny terrace with sunbeds, offering a beautiful view of Lake Jamno and the panorama of Mielno. Breakfast and dinner are served daily in buffet form.

Layout of the area


1 Hallway + Kitchenette 7.60 m²
2 Bathroom 3.70 m²
3 Living Room 18.00 m²
4 Bedroom 10.50 m²
5 Living Room + Kitchenette 4.00 m²
6 Bathroom 3.70 m²
7 Living Room 27.50 m²
  TOTAL 75.00 m²
8 Loggia 1 11.30 m²
9 Loggia 2 8.50 m²
  TOTAL 19.80 m²


Diana Butowska

tel. 513 122 686

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